Cambodia has ratified and adopted a number of legal frameworks for indigenous peoples, such as the 2001 Land Law, the 2002 Forestry Law, the 2008 National Policy on the Development of Indigenous Peoples, and the 2009 Sub-Decree on Procedures of Registration of Land of Indigenous Communities. These legal frameworks recognize the rights of indigenous peoples to collective land ownership, cultural identity, natural resources management, and participation in decision-making processes. However, there are still many challenges and gaps in the implementation and enforcement of these legal frameworks, such as the lack of clear guidelines, the slow and complex procedures, the limited capacity and resources, and the conflicting interests of various stakeholders. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen the legal protection and empowerment of indigenous peoples in Cambodia, by enhancing their awareness and advocacy, improving their access to justice and remedies, and promoting their participation and representation in relevant institutions and mechanisms.
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The international community has recognized the importance of safeguarding the rights, culture, identity and well-being of indigenous peoples, who often face discrimination, marginalization and human rights violations. Several international instruments have been developed to address these challenges and to ensure that indigenous peoples can enjoy their collective and individual rights, as well as their cultural diversity and self-determination. Some of these instruments include the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the International Labour Organization Convention No. 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. These instruments provide a normative framework and a mechanism for dialogue and cooperation between indigenous peoples, states, and other stakeholders.
Timestamp | ID | Year | Name of Legal Instruments | Date Adopted | Date in Force | Date Ratified | Status |
1 | 2007 | UNDRIP | 13/09/2007 | 13/09/2007 | 2007 | In Force | |
2 | 1989 | ILO Convention 169 | 27/06/1989 | 05/09/1991 | Not in force |
Traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples is a valuable source of insight and understanding for various fields of study, such as ecology, medicine, linguistics, and anthropology. It encompasses the beliefs, practices, innovations, and wisdom that have been accumulated and transmitted across generations by the original inhabitants of a specific territory. Traditional knowledge reflects the close relationship that Indigenous Peoples have with their natural environment, as well as their cultural diversity and identity. Traditional knowledge is not static or homogeneous, but rather dynamic and adaptive to changing circumstances and challenges. It is also not inferior or outdated, but rather complementary and relevant to modern scientific knowledge. Recognizing and respecting traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples is essential for promoting their rights, dignity, and well-being, as well as for fostering intercultural dialogue and collaboration.
ID | Year | Title of Documents | Author | Publisher | Funder |
1 | 2012 | Country Technical Notes, Cambodia | Seng Sovathana, Moul Phath | AIPP | IFAD |
2 | 2013 | UNDRIP Manual for HR Institution | APF | OHCHR | OHCHR |
3 | 2023 | យុទ្ធសាស្រ្តបញ្ចកោណ (Pentagonal Strategy-Phase I) | RGC | RGC | RGC |
4 | 2023 | កម្មវិធីនយោបាយ (Political Platform) | RGC | RGC | RGC |
5 | 2022 | Our Traditionals are being destroyed | Amnesty | Amnesty | Amnesty |
6 | 2020 | Collective Land Titling in Cambodia-a case for reform? | OHCHR | OHCHR | OHCHR |
7 | 2015 | Shifting Cultivation, Livelihood and Food Security | FAO, IWGIA, AIPP | FAO, IWGIA, AIPP | FAO, IWGIA, AIPP |