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Statement: Solidarity with Heng Phen, Indigenous Land Rights Defender In Cambodia

International Land Coalition Asia (ILC Asia) stands in solidarity with Heng Phen, an indigenous woman and land rights defender from the Kuy community in Cambodia. Local authorities arrested Phen on 14 June 2022 and sent her to pretrial detention at the Kampong Thom Provincial Court in central Cambodia. Phen was charged with “committing violence against a real estate occupant” - a charge she denied - after a complaint came from Chheng Phan, a representative of Sambath Platinum company. The company used a section under…

End Inequalities, Recognize Abuses, UN Chief Says On International Day Of Indigenous Peoples

In his message marking the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, the UN chief called for ending the “grievous inequalities” affecting these communities. ‘Profound disparities’ “Indigenous peoples around the world continue to face overwhelming marginalization, discrimination and exclusion,” he said. “Rooted in colonialism and patriarchy, these profound disparities are sustained by a deeply held resistance to recognizing and respecting the rights, dignity, and freedoms of indigenous peoples.” There…

Indigenous people in Mondulkiri disappointed with the French court’s rejection of their lawsuits

Indigenous people in Mondulkiri Province express frustration with the French court's dismissal of their previous lawsuit against Bolloré and ordered them to pay a fine of over 20,000 euros to the parent company. The disappointment comes after a court in Paris, France, on July 2 dismissed a lawsuit filed by an indigenous group in Mondulkiri Province and ordered more than 20,000 euro payments to the French Bolloré. In 2019, nine indigenous representatives sued in a French court after filing a lawsuit in 2015 against…