The UPR process is new for Cambodia's Indigenous Peoples, notably the IPOs, who have less experience preparing reports on the government's implementation and responding to the recommendations of other states and stakeholders. For the 3rd cycle, only CIPA and CIYA had a chance with the support from AIPP to develop a joint submission for the first time in the name of Indigenous Peoples in which comprehensive consultation had not been done thoroughly with Indigenous organizations and communities. In this year's 4th UPR Cycle, CIPA led its members in gathering input and recommendations from Cambodia's Indigenous communities and IPOs. It is an important process that enables the report to address …
[caption id="attachment_1547" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Chanang cuisine originated Kreung Indigenous from Ratanakiri province [Image by Chanang Indigenous][/caption]Cambodia is a beautiful destination for national and international tourists because of its diversity of identities, religions, and cultures. Cambodia has a unique culture and wonderful local foods for visitors to taste when they visit this country. Most people probably know only Khmer traditional dishe…
Ratanakiri is considered one of the most beautiful province in part of Northeastern Cambodia. This province was created in 1959 from land that had been the eastern area of Stung Treng province. Ratanakiri is the homeland of diverse Indigenous Peoples who have been living there for many centuries. [caption id="attachment_1523" align="alignnone" width="908"] Landscape of Banlung town, capital of Ratanakiri province [Image by Guidetrip][/caption]A former Cambodia’s Senior Official also from Ind…
Ngorn Him is determined to improve literacy and knowledge in the young - and to achieve his goal, he is creating community libraries to encourage them to read from an early age. [caption id="attachment_1515" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Ngorn Him teaching children in the Library [Image by Ngorn Him][/caption] The 29-year-old was born in Prey Svay village in Battambang province. He went on to complete a Bachelor's degree, majoring in Natural Resource Management and Development at the Royal Universi…
In the 21st century, the main reason for a language dying is that people simply abandon it in favor of another language. And, that is exactly how UNESCO defines an endangered language, one that has been abandoned by its people for another more universal language. Preserving a language means preserving its very community and…