International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
The United Nations General Assembly designated August 9 as the annual International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples in Resolution 49/214 dated December 23, 1994. The first International Decade on World Indigenous Peoples (1995-2004) has concluded, and the General Assembly has declared the second International Decade on World Indigenous Peoples (2005-2015) based on Resolution 59/174 of December 20, 2004. The goal of the Decade is to strengthen international cooperation to address other issues confronting indigenous peoples in the areas of culture, education, health, human rights, the environment, and social and economic development.
This year, the 19th celebration will be held in Kampong Speu’s Sport Complex on August 9, 2023, with the theme “Indigenous Youth as Change Agents for Self-Determination.”
This event is important because it contributes to the promotion of indigenous values, customs, and culture, and it is a sign that the government pays close attention to indigenous peoples and provides opportunity and freedom of expression regarding the development of all sectors through other project implementations in accordance with Cambodia’s strategy for reducing poverty. In addition, national and subnational institutions and development partners collaborate to guarantee the efficacy of sustainable development and conservation.