
Meaning:  The process by which indigenous peoples are forced to adopt the culture, language, or practices...


- Meaning:  The right of indigenous peoples to govern themselves in matters relating to their internal...


Cultural Integrity

Meaning:  The preservation and protection of the cultural identity, practices, and traditions of indigenous peoples.    Example:  "States shall...

Cultural Preservation

Meaning:  The protection and maintenance of the cultural heritage, traditions, and practices of indigenous peoples.    Example:  "Indigenous peoples...

Cultural Rights

Meaning:  The rights of indigenous peoples to maintain, develop, and express their cultural identity, traditions, and...

Cultural Survival

Meaning: The ability of indigenous peoples to maintain and transmit their cultural identity, traditions, and...

Customary Law

Meaning:  The traditional legal systems and practices of indigenous peoples, often recognized and respected in international...


Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC)

 Meaning: The principle that indigenous peoples must be fully informed and give their consent before...


Indigenous Peoples

Meaning: Groups of people who are native to a particular region or land, often with...


Sacred Ceremony

Meaning:Rituals and practices that hold spiritual significance for indigenous peoples.    Example:  "Indigenous peoples have the right to...

Sacred Knowledge

Meaning:  The spiritual or cultural knowledge held by indigenous peoples, often passed down through generations.    Example:  "Indigenous peoples...


- Meaning: The right of indigenous peoples to freely determine their political status and pursue...


Traditional Governance

Meaning: The systems and structures by which indigenous peoples govern themselves, often based on customary...

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