4th Cycle of Universal Periodic Review: Situation of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia

The UPR process is new for Cambodia’s Indigenous Peoples, notably the IPOs, who have less experience preparing reports on the government’s implementation and responding to the recommendations of other states and stakeholders. For the 3rd cycle, only CIPA and CIYA had a chance with the support from AIPP to develop a joint submission for the first time in the name of Indigenous Peoples in which comprehensive consultation had not been done thoroughly with Indigenous organizations and communities. In this year’s 4th UPR Cycle, CIPA led its members in gathering input and recommendations from Cambodia’s Indigenous communities and IPOs. It is an important process that enables the report to address Indigenous Peoples’ concerns in various sectors. Due to limited resources, CIPA was only able to hold one meeting with its member IPOs and IPs network; however, they had compiled issues from their respective target areas based on various sectors, including social services, land rights, IPs-related laws, and policies. Importantly, CIPA has produced a UPR report with the assistance of its partners, particularly AIPP, which provided financial support during this period of the UPR process.

See the report: 4th Cycle of Universal Periodic Review

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