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Haudenosaunee Chief Deskaheh's 100th anniversary in Geneva commemorates his 1923 speech defending people's rights to their own laws, land, and faith. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="260"] Image of Deskaheh from The Graphic (a newspaper), 1922. (courtesy Wikimedia CC)[/caption] Haudenosaunee Chief Deskaheh was a remarkable leader who sought to protect the sovereignty and rights of his people in the face of colonial oppression. He was t…

This year marks the 29th International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, with the theme "Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-Determination." It reminds us of the significant roles that young Indigenous Peoples play in the conservation and preservation of the rich cultures of Indigenous Peoples around the world. AIPP, a regional Indigenous platform, issues a statement to amplify our voices on the occasion of the commemoration.  

The UPR process is a peer-review mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council, where each UN member state is examined on its human rights situation every four to five years. The review is based on three documents: a report by the state, a report by the UN, and a report by other stakeholders, such as civil society and indigenous peoples' organizations. The state receives recommendations from other states and has to report on their implementation. The UPR aims to improve the human rights situation in each country and foster cooperation. For…

16th session of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) 17th to 21st July 2023, Geneva, Switzerland Joint Statement on Agenda Item 7: International Decade of Indigenous Languages By Rachana Sam At, Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Alliance (CIPA) On behalf of Asia Indigenous Peoples Caucus Dear Madam/ Mr. Chair, The Indigenous Peoples’ in Asia appreciates the joint efforts of the EMRIP, UNESCO, OHCHR, IFAD and other relevant UN agencies in drawing global attention to the critical situation o…

Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Sixteenth session 17-21 July 2023 Monday 17 July Item 7: International Decade of Indigenous Languages Madam Chair, distinguished members of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, esteemed delegates, and fellow Indigenous Peoples, Our histories and cultures, our wisdom and aspirations, have all played an integral role in shaping the world we inhabit and our identity itself. And language is the enabler, and it is at the heart of all these processes. However, for far too long,…

PHNOM PENH – Will Cameroonian indigenous communities seal the fate of some 80 Bunongs from Bousra commune, Mondulkiri province, in one of Cambodia’s longest-lasting land conflicts? In December 2022, the appeal court of Versailles, in France, ruled in favor of Cameroonian communities in a lawsuit with similar characteristics – and protagonists – to that of a land dispute in Mondulkiri that has continued unresolved for more than a decade. Read the full story at: Cameroonians Give Bunong People a Glimpse of Hope in their Long-…

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